Getting a good content writer is not very easy. Writers are not those who just write, instead, they should be creative and at the same time they should be passionate about their thoughts. While choosing a content marketer; there are some of the important criteria where you need to magnify your selection procedure to select a right candidate.
The following are some of those important factors that should be taken into notice while selecting a right candidate.
1. Look for good personal chemistry
While choosing a content writer some of the questions that you need to ask yourself; are they going to be a pleasure to work with? Are they capable of capturing your spirit or your company’s essence? Are they curious and intelligent? Are they open and inspired? By getting this answer you can easily judge the person personality, and then make a final call.
2. Find out where their passions lie
Content writer without passion is just incomplete. He should have quality of a story teller who can passionately indulge with your company and hence he can write some outstanding contents or descriptions about your company.
3. Find a strategic marketing thinker
Work with a content partner who understands the overarching marketing and messaging strategies of your company, and understands how important this is to everything you are trying to achieve as a business. The ultimate goal is to have this messaging subtly wrapped into all content developed
4. Look for a proactive professional
Content writers are highly skilled and professionalism should be there. You need someone with great ideas, who are familiar with — and can develop stories around — the emerging issues in your industry. The best sign you’ve found a great writing partner? The very first time you meet, he or she will come up with a bunch of great ideas for stories — and this is before being briefed about your business and goals care of.
5. Watch out for “yes” people
If you want something amazing and creative then allow your writers to apply their own mind. Don’t go for those who just nodding their heads on your decision and plans. Content writers should take the challenge and present something innovative that will take you a step ahead.