Today we will discuss this topic a bit further, beginning with the actual definition and then taking a look at the benefits of Paid Inclusion.
Paid Inclusion is a process of paying search engines to list your website on their result pages. You pay a predetermined amount of money to the search engine operator to ensure that your website is included in the search engine result pages (SERP) for particular key words. Paid inclusion is a common search engine optimization (SEO) technique that helps drive traffic to websites.
When a search engine operator accepts payment to index a website, it does not guarantee specific placement of the website link on the result page. They may be listed as sponsored ads, paid listings, or as advertisements depending on the policies of the search engine.
How it works?
So, lets go through some steps where it shows the way Paid Inclusion works to generate traffic.
Search inclusion:
Search engines may place sponsored search results on top of the organic or regular search results and in the right hand column. You bid on keyword phrases that when search trigger your text ads. Bids can start as low as and go higher the more competitive the search phrase.
Content Networks:
Are groups of web sites that get paid by the search engines or content network owners to show advertisement on their websites. These web sites can show text ads, or banner advertisement.
Banner Ads:
Banner Ads are making a comeback. We currently use these animate banners to promote our web site. Content networks now make it easier to show you banner on their networks and you can even target the sites you want to advertise on. You can also run your banner ads on relevant web site of your choosing.
- Your website will be included in search engine results.
- Search engine’s web crawler will regularly visit your target page.
- Better listing position - you can be listed above the regular search
- results if you are one of the highest bidders
- Increased traffic - to your web site
- Paid inclusion provides faster indexing and frequent refresh rates.
- If you make any changes or modifications to your web pages,the changes will be automatically reflected in the search engine’s results.
There are two major search engines and directories that we recommend that offer a Paid Inclusion program. They are Teoma, and Yahoo. As an additional benefit, search results from these companies are reported by other search engines, so getting your web pages into these two companies allow your pages to be viewed by searchers using other search engines and directories.
Perhaps the best Paid Inclusion option for SEO on your website is to start paid inclusion with one major search engine and do it for a month. See what it brings you in terms of sales and determine the ROI. You may quickly find out that it is not worthwhile; then again an increase in sales might pay the cost and increase your profits. Start small and slow and remember to include other SEO techniques in your efforts to increase and maintain search engine ranking.
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