Sunday, December 30, 2012

New Age Brand Promotion: Start Thinking Beyond Facebook!!

Without any doubt brand marketers for long have benefited from the customized features of Facebook. But Facebook is slowly rearranging its statistics that would require brands to pay for the exposure to their followers via promoted posts. So when the era of free posting is nearing its end, how can brand start thinking beyond Facebook? 

Small talks have begun in the marketing world regarding Facebook turning costlier and heavy on small business marketers’ pockets. So it’s time to move beyond Facebook and try out certain new age brand promotion techniques:

1. Create – Community of loyal customers:
Start activating your brand advocates. If someone likes your page does not mean that you can build a successful online community of loyal followers. Take online relationships to next level so that your viewers not only post positive reviews about your business on third party review sites but do so without any incentives.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Be A Top Influencer: Adopt Top 5 Social Media Management Tools

Being influential is not just another term, it’s the term. With large choices of social media tools available at hand; people often tend to get lost and lag behind at being omnipresent.

To put an end to the worries, I have listed top five social media management tools to manage your social networking sites and be at top in networking, customer engagement and post deal value generation.

The Tools (Apps):

1.      ScoopIt
What is itScoopIt helps to distribute your content in a way that shows the breadth of your interest and knowledge.
Purpose it servesIt helps to gather curate content from online resources and categorize it under different topics and themes.

Sunday, December 23, 2012

Changing Times: Changing Storylines!!

And you thought it was sheer luck. Businesses all across the world have recognized the importance of brand story for a successful marketing campaign. Internet has snatched the unconquerable throne of Television, an old girlfriend of larger organizations for telling their brand stories and promote. Social media and online video have helped revolutionize the medium and made possible for mass companies to spread their brand stories.

Changing times, changing format!!

Most of the early brand story telling resembled old school format of characters, plot, conflict and resolution. But with changing form of consumers, increased competition and intense price wars, the formula have changed too. Current brand’s story telling has evolved and showcases the emergence of advertising, earned media, videos, e-newsletter, Pinterest, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, blogging. Whoa some list!!

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Trends To Look For: Mapping SEO Campaign Success

You have made all the initial preparation, have a proper plan in place, implemented each and every aspect and are now eager to measure the success of your SEO. Well to begin, SEO is a long term process. It takes considerable time to see the results of your efforts. However if you keep these three things in proper place, you have done a good job:

·         Building proper links.
·         Regularly building the links
·         Active in all social media channels

Why is it difficult?
Measuring SEO success in white or grey is not possible as there are so many ingredients that works in and around your SEO that it becomes impossible to say what boosts up or pulls it down.

However we have compiled few factors that can explain if your SEO is set on the right direction:

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Beep Beep!! It’s Your Email Calling!!!

Whether it is a fancy ringtone or a mere vibration, a call jiggles up your mind and your hand involuntarily reaches out for it. Such is the mobile mania!!

In today’s fast paced business where you are required to stay active 24*7, mobile qualifies to be the most trusted business device.  According to a survey from Litmus:
- more email is now read on mobile (36%)
- on a desktop (33%)
- via mail (31%)

And this trend is going to continue over 2016 when it is predicted that 730 million accounts will be accessed from mobile devices.

Lot many emails are looked through and accessed through mobile phones and your customers and prospects are all part of the go. So as a marketer it is imperative that your email marketing correspondence can be easily viewed in every type of device.

Monday, December 3, 2012

10 Effective Tweet Strategy For Branding

A new study from Buddy Media reflects an interesting fact that “Most of the brands are missing on big opportunities to engage with customers on Twitter, by tweeting at the wrong time or by the wrong way”. Most of the twitter branding tactics are repetitive and does not show any inventiveness in its application. 

A close study revealed the top user engagement for the 320 brands on Twitter between December 2011 and February 2012, how successful where they to receive @replies and retweets. Exc ept for certain exception, the results were generally disappointing.

Follow these 10 best practices and proven tweet tactics for effective branding over Twitter:

1. Tweet during the weekend:
Only 19% brands post on weekends where Twitter engagement rates are 17% higher on Saturday and Sunday vs weekday. Utilize this opportunity effectively for your branding.

2. Best days to tweet for branding – industry wise:
Entertainment: Tweet On Sunday and Monday

Publishing: Tweet on Sunday
Clothing and Fashion: Tweet on Saturday and Sunday
Sports: Tweet on weekends.

3. Tweet during maximum brand engagement:
Tweet during busy hours (8am to 7 pm) receive 30% more engagement when most of the marketers were busy promoting company brand.

4. Use different social networks:
Where tweets are replaceable by newer posts, use Facebook where most of the post remains top of the user’s news feed using EdgeRank scores.

5.Schedule your tweets:
Your tweet schedule should be planned according to the day when they perform best. Keep in mind to not overdo it as an inverse relationship exists between tweet frequency and engagement.

6. Post short tweets:
Tweets that are less than 100 characters receive 17% higher engagement than longer tweets.

7. Add links to your tweets:
Tweets that has links are retweeted 86% more than tweets that doesnot have any links.

8. Use Hashtags:
Hashtags are a popular way to identify themes or topics in a tweet. Tweets with hashtags receive twice the engagement but only 24% of tweets has them. Always keep in mind to not overdo it.

9. Tweet images:
Though image in Twitter doesnot pop up instantly like Facebook, but Tweets with image links like (yfrog, instagram, twitpic) have engagement rates 200% more as compared to to those who doesnot.

10. Ask for retweets:
Ask people to retweets. Tweets that specifically ask “followers” to retweet are retweeted 12 times more than those who do not. But less than1% of brand actually implement them.

So can you find any more tweety ideas that you can come up with? Just share with us..