Thursday, December 27, 2012

Be A Top Influencer: Adopt Top 5 Social Media Management Tools

Being influential is not just another term, it’s the term. With large choices of social media tools available at hand; people often tend to get lost and lag behind at being omnipresent.

To put an end to the worries, I have listed top five social media management tools to manage your social networking sites and be at top in networking, customer engagement and post deal value generation.

The Tools (Apps):

1.      ScoopIt
What is itScoopIt helps to distribute your content in a way that shows the breadth of your interest and knowledge.
Purpose it servesIt helps to gather curate content from online resources and categorize it under different topics and themes.

2.      Topsy
What is it Topsy assist you to identify relevant, top influencers within the industry by company name, person, category or     keyword.
Purpose it serves – For a speedy researcher it helps to see the degree at which people are influential within a keyword and can have access to what they have written over social networking sites.

3.      Tweepi
What is it – Tweepi is a sister Twitter tool that converts account to be influential and build recognizable amount of followers who are both relevant and ever ready for you to promote.
Purpose it serves – It alongwith Twitter identifies the top influencers relevant to your industry; you can also visit the number of followers and add them to your list.
4.      exploreB2B
What is it – Write to be popular. exploreB2B helps you do establish thought leadership by featuring your write ups and help connect to relevant influencers.
Purpose it serves – Besides drawing traffic it helps to create a brand of your knowledge.

5.      Buffer
What is it – A social business automation tool that shares content throughout Twitter and Facebook with limited time investment, by just filling up to buffer queue.
Purpose it serves – Fill in buffer queues with quotes, pictures, comments and set time for your content to go out. It helps to realize if you are someone you would like to listen.

Start rocking:
There are more tools available in the market, another comprehensive list that I would share with you next week. But before going for one, always remember to choose wisely. Decide to maximize your influence, interaction and speed according to money, management and time.             

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