Wednesday, March 27, 2013

B2B Pinterest Story: Have You Pinned it Yet?

Pinterest is great promotion tool for business marketing. It has well written off its success story with unique feature having the potential to go viral, Pinterest has helped businesses to present themselves in front of the consumers with a new face and ultimately is able to drive attention and buzz to their product or service.
Lets get upfront and quickly discuss benefits of having a B2B Pinterest strategy:

1. Services - Have you Pinned it yet?
Create a Pinterest board that highlights your products or services so that potential clients or customers can see what your business is all about. Make sure that the image that is pinned links directly to a page that provides wider details about your products or services.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

B2B E-Commerce for 2013 – Upcoming Challenges and Solutions

B2B e-commerce is one such field that has changed noticeable in the past couple of years. More than the game of it, the rules to play the game are changing and the buyers have become more sophisticated. DemandGen reported that 90% of business buyers say when they’re ready to buy. Isn’t that essential for marketers’ knowledge to work upon and shorten their selling cycle.

They also have the necessary resources available and to research about top-rated companies and find more of their information at trade-shows or online.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Cause Marketing – The Basics and The Effects

So what comes to your rescue when push fails to create its effect? Marketing. You have applied very form and new design of marketing but have you reached your goal. The sole objective of marketing is to reach as many people as possible and you may have tried everything but have you tried enough. Given that incredible developments are happening within the domain of marketing, have you tested Cause Marketing yet.
Defining Cause Marketing:

Nope it’s not new. In 1976 the Marriot Corporation and the March of Dimes joined together in a cause marketing campaign. The March of Dimes was looking to get the attention of contributors encourage donations and increase fund raising and by the end of March Dimes had the most successful campaign in the history of western chapters.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Plan Something ‘New’ – Off Track Your B2B Marketing Strategy

It’s a new year with some new resolutions for B2B marketers too. But what new have you planned for your marketing campaign for this year. It is time to reevaluate what has worked well and what has worked not so well for your business endeavors.  Here’s what you can do more by adding something ‘new’ and that is by off tracking your B2B marketing strategy.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Demand Generation: The Mantra for Successful Marketing

Demand generation is the core of every B2B marketing and the mantra for effective marketing. Successful and effective marketing creates value for the business. Demand Generation is critical to every company bottom line, and is often managed through various groups within the company. 

It is a focused form of targeted marketing that helps in driving awareness and interest in a company's products or services. Mostly found in B2B transaction model demand generation involves multiple areas of marketing and is really the marriage of marketing programs coupled with a structured sales process. 

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Successful Business Endeavor – 5 Signs!

Is your P/L statement, the real sign of your business endeavor? Without any doubt the most important element in building a business is to create clear goals and targets. Successful companies set stretch goals and build a solid business model and strategic path to reach those goals, which are generally result-oriented – revenue, growth and profit.

However important these goals are in driving the direction and prioritization of the company, they can pose real problems while the business starts functioning in a high pressured environment. Using P/L statement as an indicator of a business status is like driving looking at the rearview mirror.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Business Decision Making Process: The Thumb Rules!!

We all know that being business owners means making tough decisions. Their life is not only confined to board-room meetings but getting into fast trend of the technology, business and competitors. Business decision makers have to deal with all the odds that start with incomplete information, volatile environment and high stakes, which makes decision making process difficult. 

The Thumb rules:
Business owners around the world would kill for the understanding of the tricks that would help them make better decisions. Wouldn’t be nice if there were simple tricks to take these insomniac inducing decisions and boil down to something more manageable?
And what best place to look for them than the industry experts across the world and one among them being former Bain & Company consultant Daniel Shapiro. Drawing on his experience at Bain, Shapiro shares a handy trick that can help owners break down and tackle even the most complex issues. He writes about: