Sunday, March 17, 2013

Cause Marketing – The Basics and The Effects

So what comes to your rescue when push fails to create its effect? Marketing. You have applied very form and new design of marketing but have you reached your goal. The sole objective of marketing is to reach as many people as possible and you may have tried everything but have you tried enough. Given that incredible developments are happening within the domain of marketing, have you tested Cause Marketing yet.
Defining Cause Marketing:

Nope it’s not new. In 1976 the Marriot Corporation and the March of Dimes joined together in a cause marketing campaign. The March of Dimes was looking to get the attention of contributors encourage donations and increase fund raising and by the end of March Dimes had the most successful campaign in the history of western chapters.

Cause Marketing is a potentially profit making initiative by a for profit company or brand to raise awareness, money and/or consumer engagement in a social or environment issue.

For achieving this for-profit companies team up with non-profit companies to create a campaign that is beneficial for both of them.

Selecting a Team Partner:

So yes there is a risk in cause marketing and the most important one is to decide the non profit team partner when deciding what company to work with, ask yourself two important questions:
  • Who are you? Your customers know you, and what your business stands for. Stay in line with that image.
  • Who are your customers? Reflect upon your target audience, their beliefs and values.

The More – The Better
Why do you launch marketing campaign? So that your reach doubles, contacts multiply, and you add a new side to your personality. How does it affects your marketing efforts?
  • Greater visibility – More customers
  • More contacts – Greater opportunity
  • Aligning with a non-profit – Socially responsible

For your small business, a campaign such as this can be paramount. When your budget lacks the funds of larger companies, doubling your customer base or garnering significant attention can seem nearly impossible. Cause marketing is a smart move for the small business owner looking to expand organically while maintaining a positive image

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